On this page you will find information on:
Access and Equity Policy
The Arthur Group Pty Ltd will meet the needs of individuals, and the community as a whole, through the integration of access and equity guidelines. We will ensure that equity principles for all clients, staff consultants and students are implemented through fair allocation of resources and the right to equality of opportunity without discrimination. We will increase the opportunities for people to participate in the vocational education and training system.
The methods adopted to enact this policy include:
- The practice of non-discriminatory student selection. The Arthur Group does not operate under a quota system and freely accept students who wish to enrol in the courses provided by The Arthur Group.
- All of the courses The Arthur Group provides have been developed as correspondence based courses, so people in remote areas have the same access to the course as people in metropolitan areas. The course materials include all necessary reading, so that those living in remote areas are not disadvantaged because of difficulty in accessing libraries and other resource centres.
All students will be supported by on line resources as they become available.
The Arthur Group will provide information, where applicable, of language, literacy, numeracy and employability assistance.
Refund Policy
Course manuals will be posted after payment is made.
Refunds are available if materials are returned to The Arthur Group Pty Ltd within two weeks of receipt of materials. However an administration fee of 10% of course fee will be charged. No other refunds are available.
Reporting to Registration Body
The RTO must advise the appropriate registering body the following information:
- Within 3 months of ceasing delivery and/or assessment in a location outside the state or territory of registration
- All of the courses The Arthur Group provides have been developed as correspondence based courses, so people in remote areas have the same access to the course as people in metropolitan areas. The course materials include all necessary reading, so that those living in remote areas are not disadvantaged because of difficulty in accessing libraries and other resource centres.
Issues, Complaints and Appeals
It is our preference to work closely with students and clients to ensure all service provided by The Arthur Group is satisfactory. If there are any issues, every endeavour will be made to sort the issue out immediately and satisfactorily by all involved. If the complaint or appeal cannot be dealt with on an informal basis a formal complaint/appeal will be made using the following process.
Complaints and appeals for any issue, should be submitted to The Arthur Group in writing by letter, fax or email. This letter should list specifically the complaint and what is required to be reviewed. Complaints and issues must be brought to our attention within one month of the event. (These letters will be filed in hard copy in the student file – record issue on database.)
Complaints and appeals on results must be made within one month of delivery of result of assessment. (These letters will be filed in hard copy in the student file – record issue on database.)
The letter will then be reviewed by the Principal and appropriate consultant/Manager within one month of receipt.
Client/Student will be notified, in writing, of the outcome of the review. If the student/client is not satisfied with the result of the review, The Arthur Group will seek a third party (who is satisfactory to both The Arthur Group and the student/client) to review the issue. Both parties will agree to accept the decision of the independent third party. The Arthur Group and the participant will be able to put their case before the independent third party. This review will also be reported in writing.
This issues, complaints and appeals process will apply to any situation involving an Arthur Group Consultant and a student or client. Again we encourage all situations to be resolved informally in the first instance.
The process is as follows:
- Contact original assessor and discuss issue. Original assessor will review in terms of student feedback and alter or reaffirm the original result. We anticipate most issues will stop here.
- If participant is not satisfied with this result, he or she may make application, in writing (letter, fax, email) to the Principal for another assessor to review the work. A review will then occur and the participant will be advised of the result.
- If the participant is not satisfied with the reassessment, a formal appeal will take place. (refer 1.9) The assessors are also asked to ensure that if a finding of not yet competent is made, he or she will discuss the parts of the assessment requiring extra evidence, with the participant. The participant will then be able to resubmit work prior to a formal result being logged.
Moderation of Assessment
The Manager PD & E of The Arthur Group is responsible for monitoring and moderating between all assessors used within The Arthur Group accredited courses.
Each year a moderation exercise will take place, where a sample of all assessments will be reviewed by the Principal and Manager PD & E of The Arthur Group. The moderation will ensure all assessors are interpreting and assessing at the same level.
The yearly review is a formal exercise, however all assessors will be informally reviewed at intervals throughout the year. .
RPL Policy
If you are already in a training or management position and have experience as a facilitator/assessor/project manager, you may be able to have that experience recognised and credited towards your course (respectively). In these cases, you may submit the work you have done previously for assessment.
- The Arthur Group need to see evidence for every element of competency.
- If you have done previous courses, and have been assessed in any of the elements of competency, you may be awarded recognition of prior learning for that aspect of the course. You will need to send a certified copy of the certificate.
- If you have a training program, session plan, assessment plan or any other of the assessable items you may send those for assessment in this course.
It is strongly suggested that you contact The Arthur Group to discuss if your experience is eligible for recognition of prior learning. The Arthur Group will then be in a position to advise the best course of action and provide details of credit transfers.
The Arthur Group is required to recognize Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications and statement of attainment provided by any other Registered Training Organisation.
Certified copies will be required to be provided for this recognition to be valid.
Reference: TAG Pty Ltd/Templates/Application for RPL (Cert / Diploma {year})
OH & S Policy
The Arthur Group is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. We are dedicated to the continuous improvement of our safety and health programs with a focus on reducing risk and the elimination of work related illness and injury.
The process is as follows:
- Ensuring that safety and health is an integral part of management of The Arthur Group and ranks equally with all other activities of the Company.
- Providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for employees, contractors and visitors.
- Risk management process and ensuring consistency with the nature of the workplace and risk assessment.
- Meeting or exceeding applicable OHS legislation, codes of practice.
- Establishing OHS objectives and targets and ensuring continuous improvement.
- We will encourage and support employees’, contractors’ and visitors’ contributions to the improvement of safety and health through appropriate consultation, information, training and supervision.
- Promoting of consultation between management, employees and contractors on matters affecting safety and health including any workplace changes that may affect safety and health.
The Arthur Group recognizes that management has the overall responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace through the effective implementation of this policy. Each Manager/Contractor is expected to take responsibility and be accountable for implementing this policy within their area of responsibility. OHS results will be part of the assessment of management performance each year.
This OHS Policy is a shared responsibility. Each employee, contractor or visitor is responsible for ensuring that work activities are undertaken in a safe manner and in accordance with OHS training, procedures and policies.
Privacy Policy
The Arthur Group collects the above enrolment information as per National RTO standards and AVETMISS Vet Provider Collection specifications. Enrolment information is stored securely. Personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 Cth (Privacy Act).
The collection, use and disclosure of your personal information required to validate your USI number is also protected by the Student Identifiers Act 2014 Cth (SI Act).
Privacy Notice
Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, The Arthur Group is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).
Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form and your training activity data) may be used or disclosed by The Arthur Group for statistical, regulatory and research purposes.
The Arthur Group may disclose your personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:
- School – if you are a secondary student undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship;
- Employer – if you are enrolled in training paid by your employer;
- Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies;
- Organisations conducting student surveys; and
- Researchers.
Personal information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:
- Issuing a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification, and populating Authenticated VET Transcripts;
- facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;
- Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning andconsumer information; and
- administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.
NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at www.ncver.edu.au).