The Arthur Group

The Arthur Group (TAG) is a locally based, international consulting company specialising in Project Management & its related disciplines.

The Arthur Group
The company had it’s beginnings in the early ‘90’s with the facilitation of workshops such as Value Management & Strategic Planning.

It became apparent that organisations then required follow-up assistance in implementing many of the innovations that emerged from creative workshop processes.

As a Registered Training Organisation, The Arthur Group delivers robust, customised, accredited courses and shorter non-accredited courses with the view to improving individual and organisational project management maturity.

The Arthur Group is able to offer assistance in a range of areas including project management, strategic planning, team development, value management, and development and delivery of education and professional development programs in these areas.

Within the facilitation & assessment team there are Master Project Directors and accredited assessors with the AIPM, Project Management Professionals with the PMI and accredited facilitators with the Value Management Association of Australia.

The Arthur Group forms long lasting relationships with clients because of their ability to engender trust and add value to the client’s business.
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Our people have delivered serious projects, and have acted in many different project roles.